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3S.K. Korb
Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoformes) of the West Tian-Shan
SUMMARY. The fauna of butterflies of the West Tian-Shan is described, it contains 193 species. For every species the original description reference, type locality and type material, ecology, distribution in West Tian- Shan, localities in this territory are given. 3 species are recorded for West Tian-Shan for the first time. The following nomenclatural acts are proposed: lectotype designations of Eogenes alcides ahriman (Christoph, 1884),Thymelicus alaicus (Filipjev, 1931), Papilio machaon asiatica Menetries, 1855, Koramius delphius namaganus (Elwes, 1886), K. delphius namanganus (Staudinger, 1886), K. maximinus (Staudinger, 1891), Chazara heydenreichi (Lederer, 1853), Сupido decolor (Staudinger, 1886); neotype designation of Limenitis lepechini Erschoff, 1874; Brenthis hecate alaica (Staudinger, 1886) =B. hecate tergemina Zhdanko et Churkin, 2002, syn.n., Boloria erubescens erubescens (Staudinger, 1901) = B. erubescens tuzovi Churkin, 2002, syn.n., Melanargia parce parce Staudinger, 1882 = M. parce karatavica (Zhdanko, 2011), syn.n. A new subspecies, Arethusana arethusa mairon, ssp.n. is described from «Kyrgyzstan, Kekemeren river valley, 3,6 km N of Kyzyl-Oy (Suusamyrtoo Mts.), N41° 59.211' E74° 09.396', 1808 m». Analysis of the Tian-Shanian butterfly fauna is proposed.

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