3 | S.K. Korb, L.V. Bolshakov A catalogue of butterflies (Lepidoptera: Papilionoformes) of the former USSR. Second edition, reformatted and updated. |
SUMMARY. In the present catalogue the protologues, subspecific structure data and geographic distribution of all species of butterflies known from the former USSR up to the end of 2010. The systematic list is compiled with the newest systematic works taken into account and includes 1002 species (62 of them questionalbe): Hesperiidae – 82 (3 of them questionable), Papilionidae – 52 (2 of them questionable), Pieridae – 94 (7 of them questionable), Libytheidae – 1, Danaidae – 2, Nymphalidae – 167 (3 of them questionable), Satyridae – 274 (20 of them questionable), Riodinidae – 2, Lycaenidae – 328 (27 of them questionable). In the specific annotations some systematic questions and fine distribution details are discussed. The following synonymy is established: Parnassius phoebus interposita Herz, 1903 = P. ph. severus Churkin et Zamolodchikov, 2004, syn.n., = P. ph. zamolodtschikovi Belik, 1996, syn.n.; P. phoebus sedakovii [Ménétriès], [1850] = P. ph.badmaevi Marynenko et Glustshenko, 2001, syn.n.; Kreizbergius simonius simonius (Staudinger, 1889) = K. s. mentor (Churkin, 2009), syn.n.; Kailasius charltonius romanovi (Grum-Grshimailo, 1885) = K. ch. sochivkoi (Churkin, 2009), syn.n.; Colias hecla viluiensis Ménétriès, 1859 = C. h. heliophora Churkin et Grieshuber, 2001, syn.n., = C. h. zamolodchikovi Churkin et Grieshuber, 2001, syn.n.; C. hyperborea hyperborea Grumm-Grshimailo, 1900 = C. h. puella Churkin et Grieshuber, 2001, syn.n., = C. h. paradoxa Churkin et Grieshuber, 2001, syn.n.; Anthocharis cardamines progressa Sovinsky, 1905 = A. c. bambusaroides Huang et Murayama, 1992, syn.n.; Pontia callidice nelsoni Edwards, 1883 = P. c. boreoasiatica Kosterin et Gorbunov, 2007, syn.n.; Boloria freija freija (Thunberg, 1791) = B. f. zamolodchikovi Churkin, 2001, syn.n.; Boloria roddi roddi Kosterin, 2000 = B. r. sanguinea Churkin et Bogdanov, 2002, syn.n.; Melitaea fergana maracandica Staudinger, 1882 = M. f. splendida Churkin et Tuzov, 2000, syn.n.; Marginarge Korb, 2005 = Urrusia Zhdanko, 2005, syn.n.; Coenonympha oedippus magna Heyne, [1894] = C. oe. antioedippus Korb, 2005, syn.n.; C. tullia sibirica Davenport, 1941 = C. t. streltzovi Dubatolov, 2005, syn.n.; C. sunbecca alexandra Heyne, 1894 = C. s. ptach Korb, 2005, syn.n.; Erebia occulta udokanica Streltzov, 1998 = E. frodo Korb, 2005, syn.n.; Oeneis altaica radnaevi Churkin, 1999 = O. mitrandir Korb, 2005, syn.n.; Pseudochazara turkestana wakhilkhani Wyatt et Omoto, 1966 = P. t. sareza Bogdanov, 2004, syn.n.; Satyrus ferula liupiuschani O.Bang-Haas, 1930 = S. f. medvedevi Korshunov, 1996, syn.n.; S. ferula cordulina Lang, 1884 = S. f. kuzyakini Bogdanov, 2008, syn.n., = S. f. perplexa Bogdanov, 2008, syn.n.; Fixsenia sassanides sassanides (Kollar, [1849]) = F. s. turkmanica (Churkin et Pletnev, 2010, syn.n.; F. deria (Moore, 1865) = F. muksuria (Churkin et Pletnev, 2010), syn.n., = F. zabirovi (Churkin et Pletnev, 2010), syn.n.; Neolycaena davidi kozlovi Zhdanko, 1994 = N. d. dahurica Churkin, 2004, syn.n., = N. d. namkhaidorji Churkin, 2004, syn.n.; Palaoephilotes Forster, 1938 = Rubrapterus Korshunov, 1988, syn.n.; Plebeius idas verchojanicus Kurentzov, 1970 = P. i. aborigeni Zhdanko, 1999, syn.n.; P. idas shuroabadica Stshetkin, 1963 = P. i. gissari Zhdanko, 2000, syn.n.; P. maracandica planorum Alphéraky, 1881 = P. m. excellens Zhdanko et Churkin, 2001, syn.n.; Agriades glandon wosnesenskii (Ménétriès, 1855) = A. g. shishigini (Churkin et Lalanne-Cassou, 2006), syn.n.; Alpherakya sartus sartus (Alphéraky, 1881) = A. s. takoi (Churkin, 2006), syn.n.; Polyommatus icarus turanicus (Heyne, [1895]) = P. i. effatus Churkin et Zhdanko, 2008, syn.n. The following new statuses are established: Melitaea nadezhdae Sheljuzhko, 1912, stat.n., Erebia adyte polonina Nikolaev, 2004, stat.n., Neolycaena tengstroemi confusa Churkin, 2006, stat.n., N. carbonaria eckweileri Lukhtanov, 1993, stat.n., N. baidula iya Zhdanko, 2001, stat.n., N. b. oschi Zhdanko, 1998, stat. n., N. medea lunara Zhdanko, 1998, stat.n., N. medea karategina Weidenhoffer, 2000, stat.n., Plebeius idas kapanovi Zhdanko et Churkin, 2004, stat. n., P. rogneda tillo Zhdanko et Churkin, 2001, stat. n. The following taxa statuses are resurrected: Lasiommata maera crimaea A.Bang-Haas, 1907, stat. rest., Triphysa Zeller, 1850, stat. rest., Lyela Swinhoe, 1908, stat. rest., Coenonympha mahometana acelae Hanus, 1996, stat. rest., Hyponephele pasimelas monochromus Korb, 2000, stat. rest., Phengaris (Maculinea) cyanecula sauron Korb, 2003, stat. rest. The following replacement names are proposed: Boloria frigga kosarevi Korb, nom. nov. (pro Boloria frigga alaskensis (Lehmann, 1913), nec Boloria alaskensis (Holland, 1900)); Plebeius eversmanni frici Korb, nom. nov. ( pro Plebeius themis (Staudinger, 1901), nec Plebeius themis (Grum-Grshimailo, 1891)), Afarsia Zhdanko, nom. nov. (pro Farsia Zhdanko, 1992, nec Farsia Amsel, 1961), Cyaniris semiargus tuttana Korb et Bolshakov, nom. nov. (pro Lycaena semiargus amurensis Tutt, 1907, nom. praeocc. Lycaena amanda amurensis Staudinger, 1892), Polyommatus eros silvester Korb et Bolshakov, nom. nov. (pro P. e. orientalis (Krzуwiсki, 1983) praeocc. P. orientalis (Chapman, 1913)). The following type localities are corrected: Papilio machaon ussuriensis Sheljuzhko, 1910: “Ussury Province”; Melitaea ludmilla Churkin, Kolesnichenko et Tuzov, 2000: “Kirghiz Mts., Chon-Kuurchak valley, Uzun-Gyr mountain gorge, Mt. Kyzyl-Beles, 3000 – 3100 m, north-eastern slope, clay scree”. It is shown that names Neozephyrus smaragdinus doerriesi Dantchenko, 2000, Callophrys chalybeitincta eitschbergeri Dantchenko, 2000 and Polyommatus zarathustra neglecta Dantchenko, 2000 are invalid according to the Articles 11.1, 13.1.1, 13.1.2, 16.1 etc. of the International Code of zoological Nomenclature (no descriptions or diagnoses present). |