ISSUE 80 In memoriam A.V. Sviridov
(Published 19.12.2024)
(Published 19.12.2024)
In memoriam A.V. Sviridov
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N.A. Sobolev, L.V. Bolshakov Andrey Valentinovich Sviridov |
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L.B. Volkova Memories of Andrei Valentinovich Sviridov |
21 | G.Yu. Lyubarsky My memories of Andrei Valentinovich Sviridov |
Systematics and zoogeography
23 | L.V. Bolshakov A new subspecies of the genus Phiaris Hübner, [1825] (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) from Middle Volga region SUMMARY. As a result of reviewing the status of Phiaris stibiana (Guinée, 1845) and related taxa, specific status of Phiaris fluviana (Kennel, 1919), stat. rest. (Tortricidae) is reinstated, which is at the same time recorded from Russia and Europe for the first time, being similar in habitus as well as female genitalia to Ph. stibiana, and by male genitalia to Ph. scoriana (Guinée, 1845). Subspecies Phiaris fluviana litova, ssp. n., is decribed, with type locality being “Russia, Mordovia Republic, Ichalki district, 4 – 5,5 km E-NE Smolny settlement, left bank of Alatyr' river”. The new subspecies does not have substantial external or genital differences from the nominate one, and inhabits humid parts of riverside meadows, keeping to patches of spurge Galium rubioides L. |
32 | S.K. Korb, A.V. Filippov A new cryptic species of the genus Paralasa Moore, 1893 from the group Paralasa jordana (Staudinger, 1882) (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) SUMMARY. A new cryptic species of the genus Paralasa Moore, 1893, Paralasa nataliae, sp. n., is described. Its type locality is “Kyrghyzstan, Inner Tian-Shan, Dzhaman-Too Mt. R., Arpa river valley, 2100 – 2900 m a.s.l.”. This new species differs from its closest relatives P. alajense Korb, 2004, P. kusnezovi (Avinov, 1910) and P. jordana (Staudinger, 1882) by small features of wing pattern (orange field in the forewing upperside with unclear anal margin), by the harpa and aedeagus structures (both have additional cogs) and by the COI sequence (1,8 – 2,0% p-distance). |
35 | Yu.Yu. Stshetkin, S.K. Korb A review of the genus Hyrcanana Bethune-Baker, 1914 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) SUMMARY. A review of blue butterflies of the genus Hyrcanana Bethune-Baker, 1914 which based on the collections and nature records made by the authors and Yu.L. Stshetkin, is presented. Erroneous opinions of previous authors are discussed, we show that this genus contain 3 species. New subspecies are described: Hyrcanana caspia amankutana, ssp. n. (type locality – western spurs of Zeravshansky Mts. in the environs of Aman-Kutan valley and Takhta-Karacha Pass, 1700 m (Uzbekistan)), Hyrcanana caspia usmatica, ssp. n. (type locality – northern slope of western part of Turkestansky Mts. near Usmat village, 1600 m (Uzbekistan)), Hyrcanana caspia baisuntavica, ssp. n. (type locality – Baisuntau Mts. (Uzbekistan): Matcha-Darya valley, 1200 m), Hyrcanana caspia varsobica, ssp. n. (type locality – Varzob river basin on the southern slope of the central part of Gissarsky Mts., 1300 – 1400 m (Tajikistan)). The following lectotypes are designated: Polyommatus caspius transiens Staudinger, 1886, Chrisophanus caspius merdianalis Stshetkin, 1963 and Polyommatus sarthus sarthus Staudinger, 1886. New data about range and biology of the genus’ species are given. |
54 | V.O. Kozminykh The Catalogue of beetles (Coleoptera) of the Urals and adjacent territories (to the 200th anniversary of scientific research at the Urals Region). II. Ground beetles (Carabidae), 2nd communication SUMMARY. The second communication of part II of the Catalogue of beetles (Coleoptera) of the Urals is presented, containing the continuation of an annotated list of ground beetles (Carabidae) of the Urals Region with the adjacent territories of the Middle Volga Region, the Vyatka-Kama Interfluve, Western Siberia and Western Kazakhstan. Information on the regional composition of three subfamilies of Carabidae is provided: Carabinae (the final part), including 32 species of genus Carabus Linnaeus, 1758 and 1 species of Cychrus Fabricius, 1794, Cicindelinae with 1 species of Calomera Motschulsky, 1862, 5 species of Cephalota Dokhtouroff, 1883, 7 species of Cicindela Linnaeus, 1758, 5 species of Cylindera Westwood, 1831 and 1 species of Myriochila Motschulsky, 1858, as well as Loricerinae with the only one species Loricera Latreille, 1802. Thus, 53 species from 8 genera of ground beetles within the indicated subfamilies are found at the Urals. At both the Polar and Subpolar Urals (in the Komi Republic), as well as at the Northern Urals (in the Komi Republic, in the northeast of Perm Area and northwest of Sverdlovsk Province), 24 species of ground beetles are recorded, including 19 species of Carabinae, 4 species of Cicindelinae and 1 species of Loricerinae. At the Middle Urals, 30 species from 5 genera are registered: Carabus (21), Cychrus and Loricera (by 1), Cicindela (5), Cylindera (2), including 26 species in Perm Area and 27 species in Sverdlovsk Province. At the Southern Urals, 45 species of ground beetles are numbered (25 Carabinae, 19 Cicindelinae and 1 Loricera), of these 29 species are registered in Bashkortostan Republic, and 33 species each in Chelyabinsk and Orenburg Provinces. |
97 | A.E. Blinushov, V.A. Burtnev, L.V. Bolshakov Additions to the list of Lepidoptera (Sesiidae, Zygaenidae, Lycaenidae, Nymphalidae, Geometridae, Sphingidae, Lymantriidae, Noctuidae) of Ryazan Province SUMMARY. An addition to the fauna of Lepidoptera of the Ryazan Province is presented, includes 33 species marked for the first time for the province, 9 rare or very rare local species the new location. Northernmost or northerneast records for European Russia are presented for Jordanita chloros (Hübner, 1813), Cupido decoloratus (Staudinger, 1886), Therapis flavicaria ([Denis et Schiffermüller], 1775), Atethmia centrago (Haworth, 1809) and Noctua janthina ([Denis et Schiffermüller], 1775). |
102 | †A.V. Sviridov, S.K. Korb Little-known species of the genus Catocala Schrank, 1802 from South-Eastern Kazakhstan (Lepidoptera: Erebidae) SUMMARY. Data about underwing moths (Catocala spp.) collected in the Ili river valley in July 2009 during Russian-Kazakhstanian entomological expedition organized by the Nizhny Novgorod Branch of the Russian Entomological Society and of the Institute of Zoology of Kazakhstan is presented. One species (C. artobolevskii Sheljuzhko, 1943) firstly recorded from South-East Kazakhstan, for 5 little-known species new data about their distribution are given, the northern limits in distribution of C. aestimabilis Staudinger, 1892 is clarified, the eastern border of distribution of C. remissa Staudinger, 1892 is clarified. |
Short ecofaunistic notes
106 | L.V. Egorov, S.V. Dedyukhin First finds of Cyrtoplastus seriepunctatus (Brisout de Barneville, 1867) (Coleoptera: Leiodidae) in the European part of Russia |