ISSUE 63 (2020)
Ecology and faunistics
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V.O. Kozminykh Beetles of the superfamily Histeroidea (Coleoptera: Sphaeritidae, Histeridae) of the Urals fauna. Part 2 SUMMARY. The composition of clown beetles fauna of the superfamily Histeroidea of the Urals (families Sphaeritidae, Histeridae) is presented. Data are provided for both the Urals Region and adjacent territories of the East European Plain, Western Siberia and Western Kazakhstan. The 2nd part of the review provides detailed information about representatives of the subfamily Saprininae (45 species at the Urals). Hypocaccus (s. str.) rugifrons (Paykull, 1798) is specified for the Perm Area (Perm City environs) for the first time. Generally, there are 1 species of Sphaeritidae and 94 species of Histeridae from 5 subfamilies recorded for the fauna of Coleoptera at the Urals. For the Polar and Circumpolar Urals (Komi Republic) 4 species of Histeroidea are observed; for the Northern Urals 25 species, including 23 species for the Komi Republic, 8 species from the Northern territories of the Perm Area, and 6 species from the North of the Sverdlovsk Province are determined. The 43 species of Histeroidea are recorded at the Middle Urals: 38 species for the Perm Area and 31 species for the Sverdlovsk Province. The 91 species of Histeroidea are recorded at the Southern Urals: 30 species for Republic of Bashkortostan, 38 species for the Chelyabinsk Province, and 89 species for the Orenburg Province. Several comments and corrections are provided to the Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera (Chapter «Histeroidea») |
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I.A. Zabaluev, I.G. Bastrakova, O.A. Polumordvinov A contribution to the weevils fauna (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) of Penza Province. Subfamilies Bagoinae, Conoderinae and Curculioninae SUMMARY. The results of processing long-term materials of weevil-beetles from various regions of the Penza Province are presented. The subfamilies Bagoinae, Conoderinae and Curculioninae are considered. In total, 73 species of weevils are listed including 61 species are reported for the province for the first time |
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L.V. Bolshakov, O.A. Polumordvinov, A. Yu. Matov A contribution to the weevils fauna (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) of Penza Province. Subfamilies Bagoinae, Conoderinae and Curculioninae SUMMARY. Additions to the list of Lepidoptera of Penza Province collected up to 2020 are given. They include 32 species, 24 of which are listed for the first time for the province, incl. Cryphia receptricula (Hübner, [1803]) – for the first time for the Middle Volga region, the rest of the records being various updates and corrections. Occurrence in the province is confirmed for Rhyacia simulans (Hufnagel, 1766) for which the early 20th century material could not be examined. Several records in European Russia are qualified as: southernmost for Apamea unanimis (Hübner, [1813]), Xestia sexstrigata (Haworth, 1809) and Coenophila subrosea (Stephens, 1829), northernmost for Merrifieldia malacodactyla (Zeller, 1847), Асrobasis legatea (Haworth, 1811), Odontognophos dumetata (Treitschke, 1827) and Euxoa basigramma (Staudinger, 1870). |
59 | V.O. Kozminykh The first discovery of Brachinus crepitans (Linnaeus, 1758) (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in the Perm City |
60 | A.M. Ostrovsky New record of Thyreus histrionicus (Illiger, 1806) (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the South-Eastern Belarus |